Here at we are a small local residential real estate firm in San Diego County that treats sellers and our projects with a personal touch. We pride ourselves on integrity, transparency and treating each situation and seller with respect and understanding on how to best solve problems.

Our team has over 35 years of combined experience in residential real estate solely here in San Diego County. We are the premier market expert which allows us to pay the best price possible for a sellers property.

Founder- Matt Welch

Matt has been involved in buying, fixing up and selling residential real estate in San Diego County since 2009. Starting his career working for a large residential investment firm and attending the foreclosure auction to bid on properties during the foreclosure boom of 2009-2012 in Southern California. Matt learned the business from the ground up and quickly raised the ranks leaving the field of the auction to enter the office becoming an analyst for the investment firm. After just over a year as an analyst Matt became director of acquisition for the firm. In 2014, Matt was responsible for the acquisition, renovation and disposition of approximately 250 properties that were acquired at the trustee sale, bank REO’s, short sales or traditional sales that needed to be fixed up. Matt later left the investment firm to join a smaller operation as partner with two other partners. From 2014-2018 the three partners completed 87 successful fix and flips in San Diego County. In 2018, Matt decided to venture out on his own and launched the website to help sellers find him and create a solution to their problem properties. Since that day we have helped numerous homeowners solve their problems by purchasing their home with a simple, caring and thoughtful manner.

When not working, Matt enjoys spending time on the golf course or hanging out with his four legged best friend Wally.

Partner- William Abbey

William or “Bill” as all his friends call him has been involved in San Diego real estate since 1995. Over the last 25 years Bill has seen it all and managed every real estate scenario imaginable. Bill has previously owned and operated his own mortgage and real estate brokerages. Bill met Matt back in 2009 at the foreclosure real estate auction and had kept in touch about business over the years. Both share their passion for golf together and both knew eventually they would be working together down the road in some business venture as they have shared common values and goals. Once joining Matt at Bill’s main focus has been buying properties directly from homeowners. Bill’s only goals during a transaction is to create a stress free transaction and find a solution to any home sellers problems all while keeping in close contact with the seller until escrow closes. After speaking directly with Bill you will understand he is still in this business for a reason.

Bill lives in the Point Loma area of San Diego and when not working enjoys golfing with his sons.